Fitness for Duty (Alcohol and Drug) Policy Development Seminar
Ontario public transit operators are committed to ensuring the safety of employees, customers and the public. In November of 2016, a coalition of transportation providers, including the TTC, OPTA, CUTA and the Ontario Trucking Association wrote to the Ministry of Labour to formally request the provincial government review the absence of legislation in the Province of Ontario, relating to mandatory random drug and alcohol testing, for public transportation and commercial transportation industries. In June of 2017 a larger coalition of employers in safety-sensitive industries wrote to the Hon. Steven Del Duca, Minister of Transportation, requesting that appropriate safeguards be put in place to protect public safety and safety in the workplace, in advance of legalization of marijuana on July 1, 2018.
It is now clear that employers such as transit agencies will need to prepare within the current legal framework. As a member benefit, OPTA is planning a 1-day seminar for transit managers, operations and HR staff. This seminar is free for members, courtesy of a training subsidy provided through the MTO Municipal Transit Policy Office.
The session will begin with an introductory presentation on the issues, including where cannabis fits in to the template policy framework, the legal situation determining policies in Canada and Ontario, and the overall direction employers are taking.
The facilitator for the day, Barb Butler of Barbara Butler & Associates will provide participants with a mock policy template to help guide the discussion. Megan MacRae, Executive Director of Human Resources for the TTC will be on hand as a resource and share the TTC experience, including the results of random drug testing since being implemented in May 2017. Paul Gardiner of Integrated Workplace Solutions will address the prevention aspects of a Fitness for Duty policy and provide information on Employee Assistance Programs and Substance Abuse Professional services. Connor Page from DriverCheck will speak about drug and alcohol testing procedures.
- Overall purpose and objectives of a Fitness for Duty policy
- Application (Organization-wide? Separate safety-sensitive positions? Separate contractor direction?)
- The rules (alcohol, illicit drugs, mood altering substances, medications, on-call and unexpected call)
- Prevention components
- Investigations including testing options, searches, impaired driving
- Consequences for a violation and conditions of continued employment
- Supporting appendix material (definitions, medication guideline, testing procedures)
- Testing Protocols (Third Party Administrators; Program Administrator; the role of HR)
- 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM with working lunch
6750 Mississauga Road | Mississauga ON L5N 2L3 | Canada
Room Reservations:
Block available for Jan 28 and 29 at $159.00/night. Call 905-821-1981 to book a room. Use Code: "Ontario Public Transit Assoc"
Reservation Cut-Off Date: Jan 8, 2018